Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hi from Jenna!

Hey girly girls!

This summer I've been interning at KIRO-TV, the CBS affiliate in Seattle. There are a TON of SC alums or people with other SC connections. One in particular? I showed up to my first day at work in June and met one of the reporters/sometimes anchor, Chris Legeros, our own Anna's father. I had completely missed the connection there. Apparently when someone has the same last name and lives in the same city, chances are they're related!
Anyways, it's been really great and hands on. I've been able to go out on stories and shoot standups (where you speak standing in front of the camera) and interview a whole bunch of people which is awesome. Best of all, when you have a camera following you all sorts of random people think they recognize you. Everyone from bums to firefighters to reporters from rival stations have said they "remember" me from TV...which I'm not on....yet.
Love and miss you all and I can't wait to see everyone so soon!
Pi <3,

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